Maternal Nutrition

The 2022 Global Nutrition Report estimates that 40% of women of reproductive age in Africa are malnourished.
African countries continue to battle with malnutrition among pregnant and lactating women. The prevalence of anemia remains high among women of reproductive age due to poor dietary intake, micronutrient deficiencies, and insufficient access to quality health services, compromising maternal health and affecting birth outcomes.

Impacter Solutions provides expertise for country-specific maternal nutrition policies and strategies, along with advocacy for improving funding, resource allocation, and system integration for maternal nutrition.

We build the capacity of healthcare workers on maternal nutrition interventions and assess the cost-effectiveness and scalability of existing programs.

Child Nutrition

Malnutrition continues to affect millions of African children, undermining their growth and overall development.
Challenges such as inadequate infant feeding practices, poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) conditions, and limited access to health services contribute to persistently high rates of undernutrition in African countries.

Impacter Solutions works with governments, donors, and partners to catalyze the reduction of child malnutrition in all its forms. Our expertise spans a review of country policies and strategies for stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies among children under-five, capacity building of health workers, and strengthening nutrition data ecosystems.

We also design and implement evidence-based community-focused initiatives that promote exclusive breastfeeding, appropriate complementary feeding practices, and caregiver education, ensuring that every child has access to the nutrition they need for a healthy start in life.

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